Asset Is Not Trusted For This Place

I am using InsertService’s LoadAsset, and while I’m familiar to the fact that the “Asset Is Not Trusted For This Place” comes from when the owner of the place does not own a copy of the asset.

However, what happens in the case of a group?
In Studio, the asset (which is owned by my User, but not the group) loads in without issue.
In Engine however, I get the “Asset Is Not Trusted For This Place.”

I figured that ownership of models would fall under the realm of anything that the group owner has ownership of, but seemingly that’s not the case.

Is there any way for a group to have ownership over models that aren’t created by the group itself?


I believe you just have to upload the model to the group, otherwise it can’t own it

Well, I think you’ll need to have the model uploaded by the group, not by you. Since you own that model, it shouldn’t be hard to re-upload it under the group’s name.
I think the reason for being able to insert the model in Studio, but not in the published game is that you are editing a local .rblx project, which is not connected to the published game already. If you try opening the game by entering Roblox Studio, going to “My Creations > Group Creations > Group name”, then you shouldn’t be able to insert it eighter.

It does insert going through this way.

This breaks my use case of making it allowable for trusted users to have their asset loaded into the game but ensure they can continuously update the model.

Since there is seemingly no way around this issue, I’ll have to rely on my feature request.