At random when joining my game via the play button on the PC + web game details page, I will load into the game with a random percentage of assets having not loaded, and TeleportService being broken (teleport requests stall forever). Assets that fail to load (or are possibly still loading an unreasonable amount of time later) that I’ve noticed include meshes, images, and animations. Otherwise, the game is functional and players are walking around as normal.
I tested rejoin in this manner 20-30 times back to back and got this issue maybe 20% of the time. Be an Alien: Renewal - Roblox
So far, by using the in-game server browser to join other servers via TeleportService when the game loads correctly, the new server joined never seems to have the same issues, even if it was a server that had the issue previously.
Also reporting issues this morning, one of our servers completely locked up due to a combination of errors. I was unable to screenshot because the dev console was not allowing me to select anything (I couldn’t see server logs at all).
Maps failed to load and loop respawned players due to missing objects
Server locked up and refused to let new players spawn
While sitting in loading limbo I was unable to report or block half the players in the server player list
Joining said server also had a really long wait time on the roblox loading screen
Players were being prioritized into this broken server and had to join through the server list instead (multiple players reported doing this)
Closing the broken server resolved the issue and forced the play button to send players to working servers instead.
This is currently still happening! I can reproduce this in other games!
Staff ack please? Is this my issue or is there something going on? Someone asked on my group wall where the animations were for one of my custom characters. Suspect it’s not just myself.
Thanks for reporting this. A quick look at our systems doesn’t show anything obvious or widespread. I also tested joining your game several times with everything loading ok to my eye. We’ll dig in a bit deeper and let you know what we find.
In the meantime: if you use a phone or tablet (or a different PC) on your same network are you able to reproduce the issue, or is it just from your PC?
Thanks for looking into this, I’m relieved to see that it seems to be an issue only on my end. A few other people are now not reporting issues either.
Only my PC is affected. My specific situation is that I was not home for 6 weeks to use my main computer. The computer was left unplugged for this time while I used a laptop elsewhere in the city. I tried clearing %localappdata%\Local\Temp\Roblox on the off-chance it was a cache issue but this did not seem to fix the problem. Does Roblox drop temp files anywhere else? I’m guessing there could be an issue with how Roblox handles old cached data, or maybe I have outdated session data stored somewhere.
I seem to have issues quite often when I switch between machines after 5-6+ weeks of absence. Maybe Roblox can look specifically into this situation for general improvements.
Initially yes, for a couple of assets only used in deeper menus that I probably haven’t loaded for a while, but afterwards for ~20 subsequent game joins they all loaded correctly. Seems like everything has cleared out now. Not sure what could have been retained to cause this.