Asset manager is halting my model development

Hello! My name is RainbowStachio, and I’m a 3d modeler. My models usually have many different parts that are individual. Usually I do the normal right click in game-explorer > Assets and click insert or add I don’t remember, and then insert my fbx file. It then proceeds to import each part in the fbx file, allowing me to later highlight everything, right click, and insert with location. I normally don’t use meshparts because when I do that, instead of taking each part of my model and making it a seperate one, if combines everything, which doesn’t work well for me. Now, with asset manager I can still import stuff, but A. I have to scroll down forever to get to my stuff if I have lots of assets already, and B. I can’t highlight everything at once and insert with location. This means, if my model has 20 parts, I have to do insert with location on every one by itself, or I have to do control click control click etc. Is there any way to bring back the old game explorer or a way to get around this asset manager? -thanks, RainbowStachio.

Yeah, I’m also not a big fan of this change. This shouldn’t have left beta yet.

Not really sure what functionality it adds other than filtering. We still can’t organize assets into folders. This really feels premature, and it seems to be full of bugs still. For example, clicking on the “expand” button for an image asset results in this: