Asset Privacy and Permissions: Share Audio and Video With Groups

What’s the intent behind this limitation? I would love to let My Movie fans allow sounds they create to be used within their movies. This really hurts in-experience creation.

Also, the dropdown shows every single group you’re in, so this limitation was very surprising to me.


Will we be able to share animations between groups in the future?


I think asset privacy restrictions for these assets would still be good, though they’d need settings to keep them publicly accessible. Existing assets should remain public, but uploaders should be able to choose to make their asset ‘by permission only’ as an additional non-default option.

Public on marketplace > Public by ID > By permissions only > Archived


Does this mean that existing decals will not work? I can see this potentially breaking every single decal within every ‘Survive The Killers’ variation of games as they rely on very old decals made around 2008-2013 which will have players confused weather their device is bugging out or not.


Would likely only affect private assets

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At first I thought of it like this but then remembered what they did for the Audios update, they’ve privated all Audios, there’s no telling if the process goes the same direction with the other asset types.


Yeah but tbh the audio was a different story. And they only privated audio longer than 6 seconds, and there was a whole legal issue surrounding audio. Seeing as how there isn’t one for decals meshes and models id say it’ll be different


This is a fantastic update with a plethora of use cases. Are there any plans to extend this to other asset types in the future (i.e. animations)? I believe it would enhance the Roblox developer experience to do so.


great but please make making audios public way less strict :sob::sob::sob: im not doxxing myself to make a stupid sound usable for everyone. ID verification is more than enough


Thank you for the clarification! However, I’m still concerned about how this change impacts defending against counter-notices in a DMCA claim.

If a group retains permissions for an asset, but the creator revokes access after the fact, it seems like this could create ambiguity around ownership timelines. For example:

  • If the asset was used by the group during the time they had permission, and a DMCA claim is filed later, how can the creator effectively prove ownership or control over the asset at the time of the alleged infringement?

This could make it harder to defend against a counter-notice because the permission history might be unclear or disputable. I’m worried this ambiguity could be exploited by bad actors, especially if the creator is no longer actively managing the group or has limited access.

Is there any system in place to log or track permission history for assets to help creators defend their claims if this situation arises? I think having a clear record of when permissions were granted or revoked would go a long way in resolving these issues.

I appreciate your time and any additional clarification you can provide on this!

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So about the last part of the post, will it mean that all asset types like decals and meshes will go private just like the audios on March 2022?

Another question is that when the update arrives will putting assets on sale be easier as it is now or will it be much tougher as like audios?

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Says the person who is actively stealing and releasing paid models to the public. :slightly_smiling_face:


It seems odd that there continues to be no way for audio permissions to be removed, although all it takes to irrevocably add them is clicking an insert button without confirmation in studio. Can we get a way for permissions to be removed by the game creator or mutual agreement? If the reason is to track copyright then perhaps there should be a warning or audio permissions should not be granted until a game is published

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