Assetdelivery Audio endpoint

Hm. You’re right.

Is the audio uploaded by yourself, or did you get the audio from the marketplace?

It’s uploaded by myself, I am trying both a audio asset I uploaded on my personal account and a asset uploaded onto a group. Both in which get the same error.

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I’m not entirely sure that my conclusion is true, so you can take it with a grain of salt, but given that it doesn’t work with only audios, I believe that you can’t get the cdn of audios anymore. This might have to do with the Audio Asset Privacy update, but I could definitely be wrong.

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I hope this is not the case, I really don’t want to have to scrape the html in order to get the audio cdn, this just seems counter intuitive.

Is there anyway I can confirm that this is the case or not?

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I’m going to attempt to see if providing headers makes a difference. You could too, and see if that makes any difference.

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I wish I could but most of the headers I am unaware of.

AssetType is the only one I was playing with (3 for audios).

Please let me know if you experience anything different :slight_smile:

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I found the issue! The Asset Audio Id isn’t the id we weren’t supposed to provide.

Paste this endpoint into your browser (make sure you use the audio asset id of the audio you uploaded):

and then copy the id (not the assetId) you see from the response:

and use it in the asset delivery endpoint:

It should return the CDN of the Audio.

Maybe I am doing something wrong?

(make sure you use the audio asset id of the audio you uploaded):

isnt this just the id of the asset in the browser? When I follow what you said I don’t get anything

error: message": “Asset is not approved for the requester”

the asset in question: Bladedraw - Roblox

You need to have manage access to the assetId you want to view the details of.

Do you have manage access to that audio? If not, then you can’t view the details of said audio with the develop endpoint I provided.

Yes I do, its my asset that I created under my account.

So to clarify, you are logged into “TheHeadIessHorseman” account when you paste the link below into your browser?

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That is correct. I am logged into a account that owns that.

  "errors": [
      "code": 403,
      "message": "Asset is not approved for the requester"
  "requestId": "638143178250479888",
  "IsHashDynamic": false,
  "IsCopyrightProtected": false,
  "isArchived": false,
  "assetTypeId": 0

Can you try and see if you can try this again, except this time the audio is from a group you own?

I did that with a group that I don’t own, but I do have permission to the audios. I got a ID from that url, and then when I put it in the endpoint that is suppose to give the CDN it said:

  "errors": [
      "code": 404,
      "message": "Request asset was not found"
  "requestId": "638143230248217643",
  "IsHashDynamic": false,
  "IsCopyrightProtected": false,
  "isArchived": false,
  "assetTypeId": 0

If only the owner of the group can access the CDN this is kinda wack ngl

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Did you even get it working in your testing? I even made a audio asset under a group I own, attempted to do this and get the same resulting errors.

I did test to see if it worked, and it did for me, as shown in my reply here:

What’s stumping me is that you’re getting a different result than I am for some reason.

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No idea whether this was related but I was trying to make a music player feature in my plugin and it couldn’t download it or something

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So not sure how you were getting the results you were getting. Maybe your using a browser that has different headers??

But I did end up getting this working, for future reference and don’t ask me why roblox does this but. In order for me to get this working I used insomnia for my REST testing.

I copied my exact browser cookies over to see if anything changed and sadly nothing. Only until User-Agent value was Roblox/WinInet then It functioned and started giving me back the values I requested.

Very weird they limit this endpoint to only the client? but atleast I figured it out lol.

note: did not need to use those versions at all, just the simple single endpoint functioned fine.

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