Assets loading really slowly, and some not at all

Things are still loading an upwards of 20 seconds, but it’s a lot better since yesterday. I suppose it’s either an ISP or some other hiccup since I could still do everything else fine.

I apologize if this is the wrong category. Not even sure if it’s a bug.

Ever since 3ish hours ago, a lot of my assets stopped loading. I was perfectly fine for hours and days on end. It started when I wanted to test something in my game, using the Play button inside studio, but for some reason when my character spawned, no animations were loading, no meshes were appearing. This was weird since I literally play tested this a few minutes prior and worked just fine. So, alright, I restarted studio, in case something just broke. Well, it’s not much better. I’ve waited for (3) hours now, in hopes it’s just maybe a connection issue on Roblox’s end, because I tested everything on my side. Every other non-roblox game, every other site, it works just fine. Just Roblox doesn’t seem to want to work in loading assets. I even disabled my anti virus in case that went bonkers too but same effect.

From this:

To this took 30 minutes to load. And it STILL wasn’t loading everything.

My internet speed, near Toronto, Canada. Like I said, everything else not Roblox related ran buttery smooth.

I actually went into my other games, and they took a while to load as well. When I finally loaded in, the mesh assets were slowly loading in as well (some stuff took an upwards of 3 minutes before it appeared). I also tested by going into games like Arsenal (which strangely, it actually loaded really fast) but then I hopped onto PF and it took a long time to load in. Not even the loading gui from ReplicatedFirst in these games could load in fast enough. This is impeding on my ability to develop, so I hope I can find a solution here.

When I try to edit my games that uses Team Create, it freezes my studio and I have to task manager end it. Website seems to be fine.

If required, I can provide the copy of place that I am editing via DMs if it will help. If no reply is made to this thread within the next 12 hours, I will provide an update if the problem persists.


My places would not publish yesterday and the day before, so it was probably an issue on Roblox’s end.