I apologize for asking this question as I faintly remember the answer. It’s been a while since I’ve developed on ROBLOX.
If I were to create a Model with a ModuleScript named “MainModule”. Is it possible to load the model into the game without exposing the module script? (I remember reading something along those lines a while back.)
Also, can any exploiter load an asset from an in-game server and have access to the contents? Or is it just server sided.
I remember knowing the answers to most of these questions, it’s been about a year. Thank for your time.
Yes, you can require it by ID. Keep in mind you have to be the creator of the private module to use it.
It should be server-only—there’s no reason to send it to the client—but I’m not entirely confident in Roblox’s security capabilities given how much can be spoofed.
Sounds good, and one final question. If I do load an asset with a module (server side), could the result be transferred to the client? As in the table contents returned by require(module)?
I’m basically trying to figure out a way not to expose module scripts on client machines.
You can fire a table to the client, but functions wouldn’t replicate across the client-server boundary. You’d have to at least store that much on the client.
I see, so variables would transfer but not the methods. Ok, thanks a bundle for the helpful information. I guess some things just need to be on the client