Made a script that detects if a player is using touchscreen or pc and changes the asset
(it’s like a “e to interact” thing, except if touchscreen is detected it changes to “click to interact”)
the assets won’t load when I test the game, and there are no errors in output?
i’m a noobish scripter, so I might miss any clear mistakes - sorry abt that
local Gui = script.Parent
local PromptLabel = Gui.PromptLabel
if UIS.TouchEnabled and not UIS.KeyboardEnabled and not UIS.MouseEnabled
and not UIS.GamepadEnabled and not GuiService:IsTenFootInterface() then
PromptLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://5514367825" --// tablet or phone
elseif UIS.KeyboardEnabled and UIS.MouseEnabled and not UIS.GamepadEnabled and not GuiService:IsTenFootInterface() then
PromptLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://5514367357" --// pc