AssetType Enum doesn't match HumanoidDescription property name

HumanoidDescriptions have a property called “ShouldersAccessory”.
The AssetType Enum has a Enum called “ShoulderAccessory”.
The first mentions shoulders.
The other mentions shoulder.
One is plural while the other is not.
I have a script that is taking a bundle from Roblox and applying each item from the bundle to a humanoid description and I noticed this slight name difference. Consistency is nice and I thought I should mention my findings.

-- By Noobot9k

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

function GetAssetTypeEnumFromValue(value)
		Roblox doesn't sort the items in AssetType Enum by their "Value" property.
		For instance, "Hat" is listed as the 6th AssetType Enum, though it's "Value" is 8.
		Since MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo() returns a dictionary with AssetTypeId
		as a property, and that property references an AssetType Enum's "Value" and not its
		order in the AssetType Enum list, we'll search for it's "Value" and not just use
	for i, AssetType in ipairs(Enum.AssetType:GetEnumItems()) do
		if AssetType.Value == value then --AssetType.Value is the "Value" I was mentioning above.
			return AssetType
	warn("No AssetType Enum with 'Value'", value)

local HumanoidDescription = script.Parent
--Script.BundleId is a stringvalue parented to this script with it's value set to 592 (
local bundleDetails = AssetService:GetBundleDetailsAsync(script.bundleId.Value) --592

for i, ItemToEquip in pairs(bundleDetails.Items) do
	print(i, ItemToEquip)
	for x, subdetail in pairs(ItemToEquip) do
		print("	", x, subdetail)
	local AssetInfo = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(ItemToEquip.Id, Enum.InfoType.Asset)
	local AssetTypeName = GetAssetTypeEnumFromValue(AssetInfo.AssetTypeId).Name
	print("	", AssetTypeName, AssetInfo.AssetTypeId)
	if AssetTypeName == "ShoulderAccessory" then
		AssetTypeName = "ShouldersAccessory" --from shoulder to shoulders
	if AssetTypeName == "Image" then
		AssetTypeName = "Face"
	warn("	", pcall(function()
		HumanoidDescription[AssetTypeName] = ItemToEquip.Id

bundleDetails is a table of tables.
Each of it’s subtables looks something like this:

9 table: 0x46f8383a640e2e36
Id = 4416812356
Type = Asset
Name = “Davy Bazooka - Bazooka”
It is a BackAccessory

Or something like this.
You will see this info printed out when you run the code above.