Assistance in finding a decent price range for a cafe build

Hey everyone! I’ve finally decided to sell a build of mines. However, I’m having a hard time deciding on what would be a good cost for this build. I would appreciate any feedback as it will help me a ton!

things to note:

  • This build has no major scripts.

  • This is not a commission.

Link for cafe build

Images of the build:


If you made all the models and assets, I would probably say approximately 1000 - 1750 Robux.
Its a pretty decent build, but doesn’t have anything ‘too crazy’, per say, but it does have a decent amount of detail and it definitely has a fairly large amount of effort put into it.

I’m not experienced in terms of valuation and pricing, however, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Great build!

Hey, I was also thinking around that price range. Thank you for your feedback!


As an OG cafe builder, I’d say the cafe itself is worth a good 1.2K Robux. It has all the details a cafe needs but it’s not the craziest of things. Perhaps if it was in some beach-like environment it would definitely be worth even more such 1.7K like how the previous guy said.


Looks okay. Not a super impressive exterior although the design is amazing. The interior looks overall pretty good, the lighting is very good. I would say 1.3k for the build, I would see this in a small ice cream parlor.


Thank you all for the assistance, I greatly appreciate it! :+1: