Assistance on stopping players from moving into each other

Hello, I would like to make a system that will move players, but I want them to stop if another player is on the node/part in front of them, I have the system to move them but I don’t know how to check if another player is on the node/part in front.

What have I attempted?
I attempted to use a bool that is enabled when the player enters and disables on leaving the node/part, but this infinitely stops the player if enabled.

Current Script ~

function onTouched(hit)
	local np = script.Parent.NextPart.Value
	local npp = script.Parent.NextPart.Value.Position
	local hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

Bool Attempt

function onTouched(hit)
	local currentTouchNow = script.Parent.TouchingNow.Value
	currentTouchNow = true
	local np = script.Parent.NextPart.Value
	local npp = script.Parent.NextPart.Value.Position
	local TouchNow = np.NextPart.Value
	if TouchNow == true then
		local hum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		currentTouchNow = false

maybe have a script that tells the game which player is occupying which node like roblox does with their Seat.Occupant Property

Not sure if I understood correctly but can’t you just use Region3?