Assistance with filling in the corners on a build?

Hello everybody! I am constructing a cathedral for my game and the towers on the side have this base on the bottom that has a slope connecting the base to the actual tower part. Only issue is it has these gaps and I am not sure how I could fill them in?

(There are no textures currently)

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Are you using parts? I might suggest modeling it in blender.

If not, use a corner wedge


Is there any benefit to using blender, personally I wouldn’t want the hassle of having to learn a whole new software just to make the buildings in my game unless it was significantly better.

For some things. It would significantly reduce the time for quite a bit of projects, and I think this is one of them.

Like I said, if you don’t want to use blender, use corner wedges

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You can use this plugin

I think it will help you a lot, as you don’t want to learn blender from scratch

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I’ll have a look into blender because I have heard some things about it that are good, just worried about the learning curve. l also did I tried the corner wedges and I could not get them to fit in whatsoever. Thank you though!

I would recommend @JoeyCarlino (He taught me)

Also here is a simple object that seems to roughly capture your object:
example.obj (1.6 KB)

Hope this helps!

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This plugin was what I was trying to look for, but it doesn’t work anyways. Seems to be struggling with what direction to place the new filled gap in to. Tried all the arrow options and it either creates a massive wedge or just doesn’t create anything. Thank you, I think I am going to try out with what @Userunmanned said.

Alright good luck! Blender will definetly impact your skills in a positive way

Can you or someone else send a picture of the object?

Here is a picture of the object. It is VERY simple.


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