Assistance with Scripting Custom Realistic Lighting Using Clouds in ReplicatedFirst


I’m working on creating a custom, realistic lighting system using Clouds, entirely through a script in ReplicatedFirst.

Current Progress:

  1. I can generate Clouds and parent them to everything except Terrain.
  2. Here’s my current script:
-- local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local Terrain = game:GetService("Terrain")

local Clouds ="Clouds")
Clouds.Parent = game.Workspace.Terrain

I’m looking for guidance on improving or properly implementing this setup. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance.

– deadpoolboss_2000

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um, do you have any other scripts then just this?

Just this one for now, It’s a I have can get everything else to work just not the Clouds.

I mean, if you’re looking for pointers, I can give some advice. but there’s just not a lot to go off of. How complex do you want this to be?

Oh my bad,
here is the quick run down.

  • I’m trying to make scripts to make Lighting, Gui, GFX ect.
    – to try and keep the Explorer as clear as posable.

  • I’m an Unreal developer and I’m good with C++. I’m also trying out new game engines

  • And for the Complexity what every is easier with a learning edge

I hope this clears the air a little

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Yeah, since Roblox only allows one cloud instance under Terrain, managing it efficiently is key. A good way to make it more accessible is by setting up a ModuleScript under ReplicatedFirst, which can handle all cloud-related modifications in one place.

The module doesn’t need to be complex since clouds have very few editable properties, mainly things like CloudDensity and CloudCover.

If you need more details on how clouds work, here’s the official Roblox guide:
Dynamic Cloud Guide

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