Asylum Hallway: Any Ideas or Improvements?

So I recently got accepted into the Roblox Dev Forum, so I’m quite new.
I’ve been working on a horror game recently, which is supposed to represent an asylum hallway. Each door you pass, there’s supposed to be a noise (Still adjusting volume). There may be jumpscares at a few door.

In the meantime, the game is still in a huge WIP. Are there any suggestions to improve the overall looks and designs of the hallway?


The hallway’s too dark to see any details. I suggest posting a picture with default lighting settings along side what you got right now so we could be able to fully help you.


Brighten everything up overall so we can see it better (just for us on the forum), but in-game it depends on if the player has a flashlight or some type of lighting and the interaction you want. Now, notice how the light peers through the top of the wall and the seams. You want to use parts and essentially cover that and prevent it as it looks extremely bad. You can use billboard guis or beams or whatever you please and create a bit of a lighting effect from each light or a glare. Maybe a bit of dust, and add clutter and papers throughout the hallway. Make it feel messy and that something happened, that anything could be around the next corner.


What do you mean by seams? I’m going to add some stains on the floor, as well as some papers, but I don’t understand the “seams”.

Yes just like @Krunnie said the hallway looks very dark. Things i would suggest to fix

  1. Can you try turning the lights, up a little not to much just enough so we can see a little. Done the hallway.

  2. Add some details on the floor like a flashlight! and some tables flipped over on the side. And add some paper thrown on the ground! and try adding like broke things on the ground…

  3. Plus you can try, leaving some doors wide open so! to make it a horror game.

Keep it up, can’t wait to see the final project soon.


The hallway is, as everyone else has said, very dark. However, this doesn’t mean you have to light the whole thing up - just give the player some sort of light source, maybe a flashlight or just a dim pointlight parented to their head so that they can look closer at things they find interesting!
Then, throw a butt tonne of detail in there, as much as you can. The darker the room the harder it is to overcrowd it :slight_smile:

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I can’t tell if it’s suppose to be abandoned but if it is then:
Maybe some Fog and Dust particles would make it look better, also try adding random garbage on the floor such at lose pieces of paper, or leaves

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You should make the hallway lights a little brighter it looks to dark, also if you want a creepy hallway you should make a script to make flickering lights!


Another way of achieving this:


I think some streaks of rusted metal across the walls, and more detail on the roof would do this build quite nicely.

I think the wall needs texture other then that I think it is good.

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For a horror game, the lights almost look too yellow if that makes sense. The walls are also quite baron, adding some grime textures to them wouldn’t hurt in my opinion. Perhaps using shadowmap (if you aren’t already) and making the overhead lights dimmer would add to the horror feel of this hallway.

I agree that the hallway is too dark. Other improvements I can think of are to detail the ceiling, lights, and walls. Maybe add stains (either blood or random brown) to the walls and texture it concrete or something. I don’t know if yellow lights are going to look good, and there is too much light focused in intermittent parts of the hallway. I also think you should make the hallway smaller. I think there is a sense of horror when you add confined rooms and hallways. The door looks good from what I can see though.

This dark screenshots can’t help us in a way that we can suggest you anything. Also, if you are the game owner, be sure to make the game 13+ users only if it is going to have a lot of jumpscares and if it is really scary.

One, you can’t do this, two, there is no reason to do this.

Horror games such as Vacation and Horror Portals are really scary and are accessible to 13+ users only. This is because the developers might be banned of making a game available to the people of all ages, while its content is for 13+ users only.

There is actually no way to do this to my knowledge. You can’t restrict a game to certain ages, I think. and the games you stated, imo, aren’t even scary.

I might be wrong, but if you have proof, please show.