Asynchrone functions [PROBLEM GONE]

I have ocal script that handles all animations, now I have a problem - I need to run every animation asynchronely to make possible several animations to play (instead of spam this script for every animation).

I wish to use async function for that, but unfortunatelly I didn’t find any information on roblox api website and basic lua async function don’t work and Engine shows an error.

What should I do?

function actionfunction (value, value) -- I need this function to run async
    --action here

Quick thing:
you don’t repeat the parameters in a connection to an already existing function, so
it’d be


And both of your parameters are called the same so they’d overwrite each other.

Thanks for advise, that wasn’t that problem, but anyway helpful.

Also, I got good news - problem i had wasn’t connected with async or not async functions so, I just used global value instead of local. Thanks to me that I love using print(value) to find the problem.