Welcome to the Atia Handbook. You may find all of the information about Atia here that will boost your experience at Atia. Please pay attention closely as we outline our community rules in this document.
Table of Contents
- Section 1 - Community Rules
- Section 2 - Staff Rules
- Section 3 - Staff Expectations
- Section 4 - Training Procedures
- Section 5 - Jobs
- Section 6 - Alliances
Please utilize this document to fit your need. Any further questions can be directed to @aEdwxrd, @ScriptedThunder or any Atia Management Staff.
Section 1
The following rules are in place to ensure that Atia flows smoothly and minimize disruptions for guests. Please follow each rule as well as you can.
- Do not spam. We do not tolerate spam and you may be banned/kicked on the spot.
- Do not advertise. Atia is not a group made to promote your assets. There are plenty of games that do that already.
- Everyone is welcome at Atia. We do not tolerate racism or any other form of discrimination. You may be removed from Atia for discriminating.
- Be kind. We do not tolerate rudeness towards staff or any other guests.
- Please keep reactions to messages appropriate for everyone.
- Do not raid any of Atia’s assets. You will be banned on the spot for raiding.
- Swearing or cursing is prohibited. Bypassing the filter will result in a kick.
- Exploiting is highly frowned upon and not tolerated at Atia. You will be blacklisted from the group as well as our service providers.
- All game pass purchases are final. Please do not ask for refunds. If you do not receive your item please contact one of our Upper Management Staff.
- Please do not phish for guest information. Atia will never ask for personal information. You may be banned from Roblox for phishing.
If you get wrongly kicked or banned from Atia, please contact an Upper Management Staff Member to appeal. Three bans will result in a permanent ban.
Atia has low tolerance for guests breaking the rules. You are not wrongly punished if you are banned for doing something once or twice.
Section 2
The following rules have been created to ensure the best experience for each guest. Staff are required to follow these rules. Failure to do so will result in a strike, demotion, or blacklist.
- No trolling as a staff member, or even guest. Trolling is unprofessional and will result in an immediate demotion.
- Hacking or exploiting as a staff member is strictly prohibited. You will be fired on the spot.
- All staff except for Trainees are required to use grammar. Failure to do so will result in a strike.
- You must perform the job that you currently are ranked at. A chef must work in the kitchen.
- Asking for a promotion is not allowed. You will be given the opportunity to during HR or MR Applications.
- You may play as a guest while a staff member but you must work some. All staff are allowed breaks.
- Treat every guest like they are a friend.
Strike System
- You have been given your first strike. It is not a huge deal, but don’t take it lightly.
- You have been given your second strike. This is a bigger deal considering next you will be demoted.
- You have been given your third strike. You will be demoted by Management.
- You have been given your fourth strike. You will be fired by Management.
The witnessing Management Staff may decide to skip a strike.
Any questions about the rules or strike system listed above may be directed to @aEdwxrd, @ScriptedThunder, or another Management Staff Member.
Section 3
Staff are expected to perform at a certain level each day. They can be given a strike for failing to meet our expectations.
- Staff are required to join the Hotel at least once a day.
- Staff, if possible, must help in at least 2 sessions a week.
- Staff, if possible, must host at least 2 sessions a week. (1 MUST BE A TRAINING).
- Staff are required to be trained by an approved Management Staff Member.
All staff that have submitted an inactivity request are exempt from these expectations. Please do not submit a request to get out of doing your job.
If you have any questions about these expectations, please contact @aEdwxrd or @ScriptedThunder.
Section 4
This section must be followed while hosting, co-hosting, or helping out with a Training Session.
Discord Notices
Hello, Atia! A training is being hosted at the Training Center. All Trainees are welcome to head down and attend! We’ll be needing helpers. I’ll see everyone there.
Training Center - RobloxThanks,
@here -
| The server has now been locked! -
| The training has now concluded! Congratulations to our passers!
Roblox Shouts
Before: Hello, Atia! A training is being hosted at the Training Center! All Trainees are welcome to head down and attend. We’ll be needing some helpers. Training Center - Roblox
During: Hello, Atia! The training has been locked! If you could not make it, head down to the Hotel for other promotion opportunities.
After: Hello, Atia! The training has now concluded! Congratulations to those who passed. If you did not pass, I’m sure you will next time! Let’s head down to the Hotel to celebrate.
- Shout to the group and (if allowed to) post on our Communications Server 20 minutes before the session begins.
- Arrive at the session 15 minutes before it begins.
- At the start of the session, shout and post that it has begun (see During above).
- Lock the server and gather everyone in the designated area. (It should have tables and chairs.)
- Have the co-host go over the Staff rules and expectations.
- Split the Trainees up into groups based upon what they’re training for. Pair them with Trainers for that category. (About 5 trainees per group.)
- Have the groups depart to their section and begin their role’s training (See Below).
- Once the trainers have trained their group, have them go to the host or co-host and get them ranked. You may use the Training-Ranks channel in our Communications Server or contact the Overseer. Place players to the Hotel as they are ranked.
- Once no one is left, leave the server and shout and post the completed/after message (see above).
Chef Training
- Notepad to write down points on.
- This document.
- Gather your group at the Restaurant. Have them form a line in the kitchen.
- Have each of them provide their greeting. If it is not okay, correct it and continue as if they had a good one. If it is bad, they do not get a point for this criteria area. If it is good give them a point for this area.
- Have them form a line behind the counter to take your order. Note down what you order from each person. At first, order a simple item. If they get the simple item correct, award them a point. If not, ask a helper to show them the correct way. Next, have them produce 1 food and 1 drink. If they get both items correct, award them a point. If they do not, have a helper come and help them; do not award a point.
- Have them find a seat at the dining area and ask a random person one of the question below until each person has answered one correctly. If they get it right the first time, award them a point.
- You have completed their training. Please view the notes you took. If the player has at least 3 points, they have passed. If they do not, have them placed to the Hotel.
- Bring the passing Trainees to the host or co-host.
- What is the importance of knowing each recipe?
- Why are Chefs important?
- Are Chefs allowed to help out at Reception?
- What do you do if you mess up someone’s order?
- Are Chefs allowed to cheat for points?
- What is the recipe for Strawberry Juice?
Cup > Juice > Strawberry Flavor > Ice (optional)
- How should a Chef treat a customer?
Receptionist Training
- Notepad
- This document.
- Gather your group at Reception. Have them form a line behind the counter on the windows.
- Have each of them provide their greeting. If it is not okay, correct it and continue as if they had a good one. If it is bad, they do not get a point for this criteria area. If it is good give them a point for this area.
- Have them form a line behind the counter to check you in. If they get the check in correct, award them a point. If not, ask a helper to show them the correct way. Next, have them check you out. If they get the check out correct, award them a point. If they do not, have a helper come and help them; do not award a point.
- Have them find a seat at the lobby area and ask a random person one of the question below until each person has answered one correctly. If they get it right the first time, award them a point.
- You have completed their training. Please view the notes you took. If the player has at least 3 points, they have passed. If they do not, have them placed to the Hotel.
- Bring the passing Trainees to the host or co-host.
- What is the importance of knowing how to check someone in?
- Why are Receptionists important?
- Are Receptionists allowed to help out at the Restaurant?
- What do you do if you mess up checking someone in?
- Are Receptionists allowed to cheat for points?
- How should a Receptionist treat a customer?
Training Roles
- Trainee - Gets trained for a role. (Trainee - Receptionist/Chef)
- Helper - Helps trainers train Trainees. (Hotel Supervisor+)
- Trainer - Trains groups of Trainees for a role. (Hotel Manager+)
- Co-Host - Helps the host and goes over rules. (Compliance Officer+)
- Host - Hosts the session. (Compliance Officer+)
- Overseer - Makes sure the host and trainers follow the guide. (GM+)
Training Times
- Weekdays:
10:00 AM EST
4:00 PM EST
8:00 PM EST
10:00 PM EST - Weekends:
9:00 AM EST
11:00 AM EST
2:00 PM EST
5:00 PM EST
8:00 PM EST
11:00 PM EST
Section 5
- Hotel Guest - A Hotel Guest is a new group member that is new to the group. They provide a vital role to keep the Hotel functioning.
- Honored Guest - These specials Guests are either retired employees, alliance representatives, or special Robloxians.
- Trainee - Trainees are new staff members that can get a feel for what working here is like. They can work at Reception or the Restaurant and train for Chef or Receptionist.
- Receptions - Professional Chef: These employees are more advanced Trainees that stick to one job at the Hotel.
- Hotel Supervisor - Supervisors supervise staff at the Hotel and make sure they are doing their jobs properly.
- Assistant Manager - Hotel Manager: These roles manage the whole Hotel and make sure things run smoothly.
- Compliance Officer - These officers manage the Guests at our Hotel.
- Staffing Officer - These officers manage the Staff at our Hotel.
- Executive Officer - These officers oversee the whole of the Hotel.
- Group Manager - This role manages the whole group.
- Vice President - This role helps out the Presidents and manages the group.
- President - This role is the superior role of the group. It has group admin powers and is in charge of all of the staff.
- Vice Chairman - The Vice Chairman manages the groups day-to-day operations as well as guides the President(s).
- Chairman - The Chairman is the honor role for the owners of Atia. The chairman funds the group and manages the Holder.
Section 6
Allies at Atia are not to be taken lightly. Not just any group can get an alliance with us. We’re seeking groups that week can benefit and they may also benefit us. The following are the requirements and application for Atia Alliances.
- 1,000+ Members
- Can get 5+ players on during a shift.
- Has a strong high rank team.
- Has a main place.
- Has active staff members.
All groups are subject to but not limited to these requirements. We may decline or accept any group we wish.
- What is the name of your group?
- How many members does this group have?
- How can this group benefit Atia?
- What does Atia have to do to benefit this group?
Provide a group link.
To apply for an alliance, please open a ticket on our Communications Server.
Thanks for reading.
The Atia Upper Management Staff