Atlantis Nightclub | Staff Rules

Atlantis Nightclub Staff Rules

  • All staff are required to follow these rules. Punishment for malcompliance will depend on the rule, as you will soon read below.

  • If you have any questions, contact CAXXAM or Ocaxi.

Rule 1: Staff Areas

Absolutely no bringing Guests / Club Members onto the stage or any staff designated area.

Punishment for breaking this rule for the first time will be a warning. Staff members that repeatedly break this rule (More than Once.) will be suspended up to 3 days.

Rule 2: Command Reasons

No pointless, invalid, or any inappropriate kick / warn / ban reason(s).

Punishment for this rule will normally result in an automatic suspension. (Punishment may vary depending on the HOS+ dealing with the situation.). Suspensions for this rule can last up to 1 month. Repeat offenders will be fired from Atlantis Nightclub.

Rule 3: Promotions

DO NOT ask for promotions under any circumstances.

Breaking this rule will result in your invalidation from future promotions.

Rule 4: Account Unbans

Do not unban someone unless they were banned by accident.

Failing to follow this rule will result in an automatic suspension. Suspensions breaking this rule can last up to 2 weeks.

Rule 5: Permissions

Do not ask for your rank to get more permissions.

Breaking this rule will result in a warning. Suspension for spamming if necessary.

Rule 7: Grammar

Use grammar for command reasons. Warn / kick / ban.

Breaking this rule for the first time will result in a warning. Repeat offenders (Over 2 times) will be suspended up to 4 days.

Rule 8: Skipping Songs

Do not skip Songs unless they are troll music, loud audios, or if they contain uncensored vulgar language.

Breaking this rule for the first time will result in a warning. Repeat offenders (Over 1 time) will be suspended up to 2 weeks.

Rule 9: Respect

Do not disrespect Higher ranking Staff members (they have a Higher authority over you), however respecting all staff would be best.

Listed rule.

Rule 10: Enforcement

Enforce the rules.

Encouraging bad behavior will not be tolerated. Those staff members that fail to enforce the player rules will be automatically suspended. Suspensions can last up to 1 month.

Rule 11: Rule Breaking

Do not break rules as a Staff member.

The player rules are still rules. Staff members are required to follow them as if they were the staff rules. Failing to follow this rule can result in a suspension of up to 1 month.

Rule 12: Player Ranking

This rule only applies to co-owners

Breaking this rule will result in an Automatic Suspension.

Rule 13: Music Uploading Rules

This rule only applies to Music Uploaders and Co-Owners

Do not upload songs into the music system that are troll, non-appealing, distracting, vulgar, obnoxiously loud, or generally annoying. Music Uploaders will have their permissions revoked and Co-Owners will be suspended for any amount of time-based on Cameron or Ryan’s discretion.

Rule 14: Server Message Rules (:sm / :announce Command)

This rule only applies to HR & SHR ranks.

Using SM for advertising, spamming, rude remarks, racial slurs, inappropriate messages, off-topic messages, etc. is not allowed. Try to keep your SM Messages on task, things such as “Welcome”, “Thanks for playing!” “Enjoying the game?” “Dance Battle!” are acceptable examples of the SM command. Failure to follow this rule will result in a warning. Afterwards, a suspension of 1 to 2 days.

Rule 15: Removing Music Rules

This rule only applies to Music Uploaders and Moderator+

Removing songs are only allowed if they are troll, non-appealing, distracting, vulgar, obnoxiously loud, or generally annoying. Audio that is not fit for club-style can be removed too, such as slow beat. Audio such as ‘Let It Go’, YouTube Parodies, etc are not permitted and can be removed if found/played. Similar audio to these examples can be removed. Music Uploaders will have their permissions revoked and Moderator+ will be suspended for any amount of time-based on Head Of Staff, Cameron or Ryan’s discretion.

Important Note:

  • Owner+ has the right to change/add new rules.

Created By: CAXXAM & Ocaxi
Last Edited: 29th September 2019 (Added Rule 15)


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