I’m sorry, this does not reflect the data found. https://youtu.be/o-PETNdTlnM
At the worst possible time, Atmos is doing great.
I’m sorry, this does not reflect the data found. https://youtu.be/o-PETNdTlnM
At the worst possible time, Atmos is doing great.
people are wasting 80 dollars for something they can easily make within 5 minutes or follow a quick youtube tutorial
In beta settings, I did not have “Updated Docking System” enabled. When I enabled it, the plugin worked again. Thus far, I have not run into any issues like before. I’ll let you know if I run into any!
30 dollars, or 150 robux if you was quick enough.
I have paid for the old atmos back then, did it received an update, or is it a new one?
Can you remove the annoying print statements when you run the game?
That’s inserted by Roblox because the old plugin framework uses an update checker based on requiring a module directly from the website. This isn’t fixable trivially - I’d have to implement a completely different update checker and ensure both forwards and backwards compatibility, at which point it’s too much effort given that the new framework used in Elttob Relight and Reclass doesn’t have these problems owing to a better fundamental design.
How soon do you think Atmos will get an update? It’s annoying to have the plugin activated when playtesting a game, but when you really need to use it you need to reactivate it.
It would be cool if atmos changed from a skybox plugin to an overall lighting/“atmosphere” plugin or had settings for that as-well, but it probably won’t happen.
Nothing to announce today, but it is in the works.
Dude this cant seriously be 30 bucks. I already have it from when it was free and i wouldnt pay 200 robux for this
Atmos has never been free, so I’m not sure what you are referring to. Nonetheless, I’m sorry that it did not live up to your standards.
I have been working on a much more expansive upgrade for a while and have been toying around with the idea of upgrading people to it for free as a way to improve the utility for existing users.
I thought that said expensive upgrade for a second.
I’m sure he meant expeansive.
(Say expean like a country person)
Doesn’t @Elttob have some program for people who don’t have the money to get a chance of getting a plugin for free?
Yeah I normally do. I’ve not been accepting applications recently because I’m moving over to a custom mail server to organise everything. I’ve admittedly been procrastinating on it a little but I want to get it done at some point.
are you the guy who made atmos for gmod?