Attached model makes player tilt in a weird way despite all the parts having "Massless" turned on

I’ve been scratching my head over this for like 3 days now. No matter what I do, when this script (ignore weird naming) creates a Motor6D and attaches a model’s primary part to the player’s primary part, it always ends up tilting the player as if the model had mass.

“Massless” is turned on for every single part (I even made a for loop specifically to be DOUBLE sure), I triple-checked to make sure there weren’t any additional parts or attachments that are being added, there’s nothing wrong I could find with anything. The strangest thing to me is the fact that this exact same system worked just fine with a previous model I used, but I guess Studio just doesn’t like the new model for some reason.
If anybody could help it’d be much appreciated!


I had this issue a while back while making a player hold a sword for a combat system. What resolved it for me is turning off collisions (CanCollide) as it apparently had a large enough model to tilt it. Massless didn’t do anything, just like in your case. If collisions aren’t necessary for you, maybe try that?


I tried doing that as well, and it doesn’t fix anything


Is there a humanoid in model you are welding it with? If so try removing it and replace it with an animation controller.

What is the root part after welding? You may have to change root priority to ensure the hrp is the root part.


Yes, there is a humanoid. I’ll try replacing it.
Also, since the player character is an R6 model, the head is the primary part rather than the actual HRP.


Huh, that actually fixed it. Thanks!


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