Attaching or detaching a physical keyboard on mobile crashes Roblox

This should be self-explanatory.

Platform: Android (x86_64).

Reproduction Steps:

Provided in the video,

  • Open the Roblox app on an Android device.
  • Attach or detach the physical keyboard.
  • Observe that Roblox will restart. The app has crashed.

Expected Behavior:
Roblox should not crash when the keyboard is attached or detached.

Actual Behavior:
Roblox crashes when the keyboard is attached or detached.

Additional Details:
I’m using a 64-bit Android device running Android 12. I’ve always experienced this and would expect it not to crash.

Furthermore, when using a physical mouse, the mouse is not locked in the center of the screen when in first person, even though it looks like it.

Date first experienced: October 20. However, it is likely this has been a bug for many years as I haven’t tested any previous behavior before that date.


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for flagging!