Attaching Part To Leg

I’m trying to attach a part with a mesh on it to the RightUpperLeg but i seem to be having issues finding a solution, Any help?

local Part = YOUR_PART -- // SET THIS BY YOURSELF // --
local RightUpperLeg = Character:WaitForChild("RightUpperLeg")

local Weld ="Weld", Part)
Weld.C0 = RightUpperLeg.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(Part.CFrame)
Weld.Part0 = RightUpperLeg
Weld.Part1 = Part
Weld.Enabled = true

Can you show me a gif, or the current script you are using?

	local Character = Player.Character
	local Part = workspace.EquipedKnife -- // SET THIS BY YOURSELF // --
	local RightUpperLeg = Character:WaitForChild("RightUpperLeg")

	local Weld ="Weld", RightUpperLeg)
	Weld.C0 = Part.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(RightUpperLeg.CFrame)
	Weld.Part0 = RightUpperLeg
	Weld.Part1 = Part
	Weld.Enabled = true

EquipedKnife Exists in workspace.

is the knife anchored, and i don’t think you positioned the knife next to the leg, but instead inside.

The knife isn’t anchored, The script is the same in studio as shown above.

Only if the knife actually spawns inside the player leg

Which it doesn’t it stays at the same position lol.

Can you open the contents of the RightUpperLeg after running the script and see if a weld is there, and show me the properties

Sure thing, Hold up a second ill try looking for the weld

There is a weld spawning inside of the part but Part0 is empty.

Try this

local Part = YOUR_PART -- // SET THIS BY YOURSELF // --
local RightUpperLeg = Character:WaitForChild("RightUpperLeg")

local Weld ="Weld", RightUpperLeg)
Weld.C0 = RightUpperLeg.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(Part.CFrame)
Weld.Part0 = RightUpperLeg
Weld.Part1 = Part
Weld.Enabled = true

Found a solution heres the script ( P.S its set to head as a test )

	local Character = Player.Character
	local Part = workspace.EquipedKnife -- // SET THIS BY YOURSELF // --
	local RightUpperLeg = Character:WaitForChild("Head")
	Part.Position = RightUpperLeg.Position
	local Weld ="Weld", Part)
	Weld.C0 = RightUpperLeg.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(Part.CFrame)
	Weld.Part0 = RightUpperLeg
	Weld.Part1 = Part
	Weld.Enabled = true

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