Attachment cloning not working?

Greetings, when trying to clone an attachment, the script just doesn’t continue to run and won’t proceed to the next line. There’s 0 errors and it stops at the line of Clone(), which I confirmed by debugging using prints.

Please help me understand what’s wrong here.


first of all you are referencing winparticles wrong. In the explorer it is WinParticles, in the script you wrote Winparticles. Those things are case sensitive. Secondly, have you checked with a print if your IF statement works, put a print inside it in the first line, and tell me if it works.

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The WinParticles was indeed a issue, but the error wouldn’t show in console unless I put it in a separate task.

The if statement was not the issue.

So did that solve the issue or not yet?

The issue is actually very simple!
You just need to put “[” and “]” on the part where you put the Winparticles child!
Like on this example:

game.ReplicatedStorage.GameData.ParticleEffects[“Win Particles”].Cash:Clone()