Attachment for accessory doesn't exist?/Roblox oversight

For the upper leg accessories, there appears to only be two attachments: HipRigAttachment and
KneeRigAttachment. KneeRigAttachment is already shared with lower legs. The problem is that I’m creating 3D clothes, but neither of the aforementioned attachments work the way I want it to like the rest of the other attachments: attaching to the upperlegs of the character (context: I’m using the old 2.0 body types). Instead, they seem to just hang in place? How to attach accessories to R15 upper legs - Help and Feedback / Building Support - Developer Forum | Roblox This post seems to be mention Roblox is confused about the HipAttachment and comes with a solution that I’m not sure what it does. Could I get some help for this very confusing problem?

Switched to scripting support because I believe the answer might have to be code and not anything studio or building related