Attachment + Mesh bug


I do not know why but the attachment in the upper leg works on the left but no on the right.

(They are not anchored).

If need.

It looks like the dark gray part of the upper leg is moving correctly. Is the lighter gray Part supposed to be welded to the upper leg? It appears to be welded to the HumanoidRootPart.

Look at this.

There is the same attachment but on the left and the right, but on the right → does not work.

I get that.
But what is the RightULeg that has the Attachment in it, the light gray part or the dark gray part?

It’s in the right upper leg (the grey mesh).

Yes, but which gray Mesh, the dark one or the light one?
In your video the dark one (it looks almost black) seems to be working fine as the upper leg, but the light one (looks like a block) seems to be welded to the body.

Look at the sreenshots… You will understand.