Attachment not directly in player even though positioned properly?

How come the Laser isn’t inside me?

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You need to either change the WorldCFrame property of the attachment, or set the CFrame to a blank CFrame. Attachments’ CFrame/position/orientation properties are relative to their parents’ CFrames.

I tried and it did not work. I set the CFrame to 0, 0, 0 and it was still offsetted, im doing this on a r15 rig with non-image clothing

It should still be in the centre of the root part. Just to be sure, you’re just setting it to CFrame.identity?

Whats cframe.identity? 30maxchars

CFrame.identity is just a blank cframe to use so you don’t have to call every time you need a blank one

Whats the difference between cframe.identity and, 0, 0)

Nothing, they’re equivalent, CFrame.identity just exists so you don’t have to call when a blank cframe is needed since it takes less time than creating a new one

Well i didn’t do cframe.identity, do i have to set cframe to 0 everytime i want to change position?

I don’t think so, as long as you’re setting it the first time, it should be ok. Can you highlight the humanoid root part and/or make it not invisible and check that it’s not at the centre of the root part?

which root part?
30 max characters

The character’s humanoid root part

the npc, or the player? 30charas

I’m not sure, whichever part you’re trying to parent the attachment to

the attachment is inside the npc, but is position in the player(supposed to be)

Late response sorry. Think I understand now. In that case, afaik you’d have to set the attachment’s CFrame every frame. Although, if your laser is a beam, I don’t think it matters what the parent of the attachments are, so you could put it inside your character or whichever part should be moving around instead of constantly updating an attachment

Alr. I’ll try doing that. maxchars