Attachment particles only play after Attachment rotation?

I actually can’t tell if this is a me problem or Roblox just not liking me.

Right now I have a script that makes a raycast, wherever it hits the wall it duplicates an attachment and moves the attachment directly to the position and rotates it accordingly.

-- part.Impact has 2 particles that play later.
-- Impact is also an attachment.
local target = result.Position
local ImpactEffect = part.Impact:Clone()
ImpactEffect.Parent = result.Instance
ImpactEffect.WorldCFrame =, result.Position + result.Normal)

Now this is where my problem arrives, after the attachments on the wall it plays a particle and works PERFECTLY but if I point it at a ceiling or a floor it doesn’t play the particles.

This is where the second thing that just mind boggles me comes in, rotating the attachment, then putting it back to the exact same rotation completely fixes it and plays the particle.

local ImpactOr = impact.Orientation
impact.Orientation =,0,0)
impact.Orientation = ImpactOr

I don’t know if it’s me causing the problem or Roblox but doing this just works and I have NO idea why.

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