Attack on titan odm gear movement feedback

i am once again asking for feedback on how easy this thing is to use

preview (cinematic camera setting)

game link: maneuvering experiment - Roblox


It’s pretty good, but one thing i recommend changing is that you have to HOLD Q/E to keep the line attached, since you also have to hold the WASD buttons if you want to orbit, which takes some time get used to.
I think it would be better to make it 1 press to attach, and then to detach you press again.

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thanks for the feedback man

yeah it’s one of the first suggestions i got, changing the keys for the hooks (M1/M2 for example)
im working on adding a keybind change menu in the next few days when i have free time to work on it

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The movement is pretty straightforward, pretty inline with most other AOT games. The only thing I’d change is that I’d give the player a bit more momentum after hooking. Right now it feels like I lose momentum way too fast. Beyond that it’s pretty good

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i see, thanks for the feedback

i’ve made air drag much less now, keep in mind you can slow yourself down on air by holding any of the movement keys until you’re able to just use normal humanoid movement on air

Yeah that’d be a nice feature, solid work man keep it up!!

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UPDATE: I’ve added the keybind changer, very rudimentary but it’ll work for now
also added first person camera, some stability changes

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looking for feedback again… post was updated with new clip

This great movement looks great! Awesome job on creating it! I used to play an Attack On Titan game that was on Roblox a long time ago, and this is excellent! How long did it take to make this?