You’ll be working for the largest Attack on Titan group on Roblox, with over 11,000+ active users, and 150,000 in the group, you’ll be demonstrating the
The Team
Drafter - Studio lead
Yuuki - Lead Programmer
RoGuruu - Gameplay programmer
Golden1480 - Gameplay programmer
Draudee - Head Department
SystemFibrosis - Head Department
Pikaogaming1234567 - Animator
TheEnderLord123 - Animator
Abella - Animator
Gio - Lead Modeler
EhhDmitry - Lead Builder
MarZhal - Modeler
Naoki - Artist
Marcus - Builder
Wax - Builder
Jona - Builder
Voltigar - Builder
•↺ - Builder
About The Job
You’ll be carrying on the module we have currently developed. You’ll be interviewed by our Lead Scripter to make sure you can fit the skill requirement of taking on his code. Most of the game is scripted, you’ll need to carry on where he left off, and make sure the quality of the content you add is your best. There are around 10 things left. This involves front-end and back-end knowledge.
- Around 2-3 years programming experience
- Full-stack programmer
- Former visual work of your front-end and back-end technology developed by you.
- Some knowledge/understand on basic UI design
$300 USD Commission
For more information about our studio, please visit https://unlimitedprojectstudio.com/