About Us
You’ll be working for the largest Attack on Titan group on Roblox, with over 11,000+ active users, and 110,000 in the group, you’ll be demonstrating the best of your work!
The Team
Drafter - Head Department & Studio lead
Yuuki - Lead Programmer| Former work > King Piece & Blood Samurai I
RoGuruu - Gameplay programmer
Draudee - Head Department & Web Developer
SystemFibrosis - Head Department & Management
Pikaogaming1234567 - Animator | Former work > Blood Samurai 2
TheEnderLord123 - Animator | Former work > Blood Samurai 2 & Hero’s Legacy
Gio - Lead Modeler
Roubloxe - Modeler
EhhDmitry - Lead Builder
Marcus - Builder
Wax - Builder
Jona - Builder
Voltigar - Builder
•↺ - Builder
About The Job
You’ll be working alongside a team of programmers, modelers, animators, and builders. You’ll be interviewed by our Lead Scripter to make sure you can fit the skill requirement of taking on the code base. Most of the game is scripted, you’ll need to assist in gameplay areas, and make sure the quality of the content you add is your best. Some examples of the content can range from an gameplay systems, to cannons on a rail system, to admin system improvements, titan AI improvements, etc.
We are looking for programmers who have experience with UI design. You do not need to, but it’s a quality we are looking for!
You can track our projects on our website blogs Blogs › Unlimited Projects Studios
What you’ll learn / Time
You need to have a fair amount of time on your hand. We have a large and active audience. You will be working with an organized team, and will learn what it is like to work with deadlines, community relation, and experience you’ll need.
You get paid based off the amount of testing you do with the testers, and if you complete the package. A package is a bundle of work you must complete. Once that package, which is a bundle of assets, is completed, you’ll be paid the 100,000 Robux. This can change due to project surpluses!
Contact Us
Must be 15+
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