For the past month or so, I’ve been teaching myself ZBrush, Blender and SubstancePainter for the purpose of making a game themed from the popular show, “Attack on Titan”.
However. before devoting any time into such a project-- I want to ask a few questions about the “acceptability” of the game to Roblox TOS.
Here are some game design features that I intend to implement:
- Sculpted 3D Titan meshes that will be imported into the game.
- Fully rigged models, utilizing the Skinned Mesh feature.
Now, anyone familiar with the show itself knows the somewhat revealing nature of the titans. They have no clothes, but at the same time- lack any inappropriate “parts”. Essentially, it’s just skin with faint sexual features.
I took a look at the Roblox Community Rules, and this excerpt seems to touch on what I am asking:
Sexual content or acts, sexual violence, exploitation of any kind, or excessive violence. This includes such content whether or not nudity is involved and whether or not it would rise to the level of being obscene, vulgar, pornographic or being explicit; and
Content that implies or makes an avatar appear naked or in underwear/undergarments.
Yet, this is still to vague. The titans in the show are not sexual in any way, and barely if at all exhibit any sexual physical traits.
Take, for example the “Female Titan” (Picture Below):
There isn’t anything inherently graphic about her design, other than the faint outlining of the breast area, which is already prevalent in many Roblox avatars:
Fairy Simulator Tweet From Roblox
As you can see, this image clearly shows a faint outline in the features of the avatar, but nothing too concerning as they are clothed. The only difference in the Female Titan is the lack of any human clothing. However, once again- the Female Titan lacks any graphic physical features- so arguing that it is too “obscene” or “graphic” isn’t definite.
Regardless, I simply would like to know whether her design, and possibly many other titan designs would be allowed. I’ve heard conflicting opinions from people, some saying yes and others not.