Attack preference for NPC

I’m trying to make an NPC with multiple attack patterns that come out randomly based on rng.
However, I want the NPC to use some of the basic attacks more than a stronger one and using math.random just means all of the attacks have the same chance of happening. I know how to code the NPC but I can’t figure out how I can implement a percent chance into the decision-making function

Math.random() returns a number from 0 to 1. This means it’s actually returning a percentage. So you can simply pick one and stack the chances on top of each other.

For example

local attacks = {
    ["Attack1"] = 0.56,
    ["Attack2"] = 0.23,
    ["Attack3"] = 0.1

local pickAttack()
    local r = math.random()
    for name, percentage in pairs(attacks) do
        r -= percentage
        if r <= 0 then
            return name

This assumes the numbers add to 1. Some small changes can do this without that though.

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