"attempt to call a brickcolor value"

Hello, I was just practicing scripting since I’m a bit new, my issue is that when I use concaedation for a brickcolor I get an error:
Heres my script:

function makePart(Size,Position,Shape,Material,Color)
local brick = Instance.new("Part")
local strings = brick.BrickColor

	brick.Size = Size
	brick.Position = Position
	brick.Shape = Shape
	brick.Anchored = true
	brick.Material = Material
	brick.BrickColor = Color
	brick.Parent = game.Workspace
	if brick.BrickColor ==  BrickColor.new("Bright green") then
		print("Brick is" ..strings "the brick is being deleted")
		brick.Transparency = 1 
		brick.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Bright blue") then
		print(strings "is the color, the brick isn't deleted")

print("Making First Part")
makePart(Vector3.new(222, 100, 222), Vector3.new(0, 50, 0),Enum.PartType.Cylinder,Enum.Material.Neon,BrickColor.new("Bright blue"))
print("Making Second Part")
makePart(Vector3.new(222, 100, 222), Vector3.new(0, 150, 0),Enum.PartType.Block,Enum.Material.Grass,BrickColor.new("Bright green"))

I haven’t found any fixes about this on the devforum.

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You don’t declare correctly connect strings together with variables.
Here is how you correctly do it:

print("Brick is " ..strings.. " the brick is being deleted")


print(strings.. " is the color, the brick isn't deleted")

You forgot to concatenate strings and the string

print(strings "is the color, the brick isn't deleted")


print(strings .. "is the color, the brick isn't deleted")

since you didn’t put the concatenation, it would be you calling the strings
such as with this example

-- same as
print "hello"

Oh! Thank you both lol. About the second one I actually did do it but forgot to re-type in the script. And the first one thanks both.

Oh wait, I did what Artic told me to do and I still have the error in the output?

Idk but doing
local strings = brick.BrickColor.Name