You’re assuming that the GetChildren() function is a valid property/member of a table object, but it isn’t
What you can instead do, is first reference the table, then reference every Step you want to find using the GetChildren()
local Steps = {
for _, Step in pairs(Steps) do
for _, Part in pairs(Step:GetChildren()) do
--Now do your stuff here
This is what would be known as a “nested loop”, or a loop inside of another loop
Because table is not an instance and you never defined a function named GetChildren in the table or hooked up a metatable that has a __index metamethod in it that can call a function named GetChildren that’s why.
Tables are general-coded in programming, sure they may have functions (table.insert, table.remove), but you can’t reference them the same way as you can with Instances
GetChildren() is not a valid member of a table, is basically what it is since those only work with Instance values