Attempt to call a nil value

So I was trying to do something using Object Oriented Programming and created a class car with it’s own methods and properties.
This is my Module

This is how I am creating an object called car and trying to implement a method called start

local carmodule = require(script.Parent["Car Module "])

local mycar =


The error I am getting

ServerScriptService.Script:3: attempt to call a nil value - Server - Script:3


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did the Car Module return a table??

Yes the module returned the table Car.

Instead of using function Car:Start()
You have to use function Car.Start()
(the period instead of the colon)

Same goes with the “SetWheels” method.

Hope this helps!

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Also adding on to this…


should be carmodule.Start(mycar)

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can you tell me the source of the script that is requiring the car module?

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You forgot to set the index, so Car.__index = Car (in the module) underneath local Car.

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This is not true since the OP is using OOP when doing Car:Start() the colon is predefined self. Which means it would try to index the metatable, the reason of __index is so that it has a reference to where it should look.

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