Attempt to call missing method 'GetPivot' of table

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I Wanna Achieve Item Spawner trying to make it so other parts get the item on drop then one

  2. **What solutions have you tried so far?
    I look for clear Answers on the Platform


It’s going to be pretty difficult to give you an answer without code.

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I know i just wanna see some one replys


local folder = game:GetService(“Workspace”).PartsToSpawn:GetChildren()
local CoolMath = math.random(1,#folder)
while true do
CoolMath = math.random(1)
if CoolMath == 1 then
for i = 1,1 do
local folderItems = folder
folderItems:GetPivot(, 50),, 50),, 50)))
folderItems.Parent = folder

First thing I’m noticing is that your code could be cleaned up by a lot. The reason it’s throwing that error is because folderItems is a list of all of the children in PartsToSpawn. You have to get a pivot of either a model or a part, you cannot get the pivot of multiple parts with a single function.

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how will i do a multiple parts do i do it with more Function how will i do it?

Loop through all the items in the table with a for loop
Also, no offense at all, but do you know what you’re writing? You make a random number between 1 and 1, then check if it’s 1, make another random number that’s never used, use a for loop that only runs once, make a variable equal to a previous variable, then switch to using instead of math.random.

Never Mind I mess up about my coding you are right the script is too messy and I didn’t code it right I wasn’t sure how to make a item spawner % or mins and Thank you for helping me im just going to recode it.

No problem! Glad that was the solution. Again, I didn’t mean any harm with that, I just want to make sure you aren’t copy and pasting from like YouTube tutorials an don’t understanding what you’re writing

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