Attempt to compare table?

I’m trying to get the player removed off the table after they step off the brick … Also sorry that my scripting currently lacks proper indentation… Got attempt to compare table on table.sort.

local function onTouch(hit)
	if not debounce then 
		debounce = true
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if player then
local image = nil	



wait (2)
debounce = false
-- works

local function onTouchEnded(hit)

local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if player then


table.sort(ingame) -- got attempt to compare table in output



here is the remove player function

function removeplayer(name)

	for i = 1,#ingame do

if ingame[i] == name then
table.remove(ingame, i)



I’ve tried to understand what Attempt to compare table too but I can’t figure out what comparison its trying to make.


I’ve rebinded the adding and removal of players to a value/value counter in my game that was already properly adding and removing players so I know that the table is being updated correctly.

The problem I’m still having is that I have a separate board that says the names of the players, the names are being added but when they step off the name is still there. The separate counter which counts the number of values in the index is decreasing though.

-- other stuff
table.remove(touching, index) -- works b/c number decreased
table.sort(touching) -- unsure if this is affecting it or not
tabletoboard() -- this works for the touch but not the touch ended

function tabletoboard() -- ment to update when anyonesteps on or off
for number,d in pairs(touching) do
-- stuff for sending names to the board/ list of player

Basically I’m trying to create an updated list and send it everytime. I don’t understand if the player was removed from the table as shown on the counter, how are they still on the updated board?

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The problem is that you’re inserting table elements instead of just the player names. That means that if ingame[i] == name then is comparing a table to a string.

You should just do table.insert(ingame, player.Name)

Tried removing {}, got invalid argument #3 (string expected got nil) on another part of my script trying to pull information from the table.

On the remove player function, try this:

function removeplayer(name)
    for i, v in pairs(ingame) do
       if v == name then
           table.remove(ingame, i)

I added that to the removal function but now I’m getting the attempt to compare table error on the first table.sort for adding players to the table.

Going off of @MayorGnarwhal’s response, an easy fix would probably be to just retrieve the element you have in your table within a table. Right now your ingame table looks like

{ {MayorGnarwhal}, {buildermandiamond}, {salmonbear242}}

so your removeplayer function should look like

function removeplayer(name)
    for i = 1,#ingame do
        if ingame[i][0] == name then -- the change being [0] after ingame[i]
            table.remove(ingame, i)

but I highly recommend you go to the problematic part of your script with invalid argument #3 since your script only happened to be working in the past because you were looking inside of a list, but now you’re looking inside of a string (which doesn’t make sense, which is why you get nil).

Hope this helps!

I implemented your solution for the remove player function and still got attempt to compare table, when I combine it with @MayorGnarwhal solution its Argument #3

See my update, thanks for re - writing my remove function but I scraped that part.

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In your updated function, I think you meant to use ipairs() instead of pairs(). Also, can you explain why you have a separate table that you’re using to update the board? Why not directly update the board?

Originally I was using the ingame table but in my new draft, everything is held in the touching table. The touching tale is being added and taken away from as shown on my ingame counter but when the actual list is shown it’s still there after the tabletoboard function.robloxapp-20200624-2003133

Have you verified that you’re actually being removed from the table and it’s not just an issue where you’re not properly removing the character icon?

Also, it looks like your Players ready is working properly, how does your code for the number of players compare to that of the actual players in the touching table?

I’m going to go ahead and post most of the script

local touching = {}  -- this is the table I'm using

function getUserIdFromUsername(name)

local part = game.Workspace.part

function foundInList(player) -- checking if they are already in the list
	for _,target in ipairs(touching) do
		if target == player then
			return true;
	return false;

    local player = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) 
    if not player then return end
if not foundInList(player) then
		    table.insert(touching, player)

for number,d in ipairs(touching) do -- puts players CURRENTLY on the list from table to board
		game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui:findFirstChild(number).Text = d.Name	-- works fine
 		game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui:findFirstChild(number).ImageLabel.Image = game:GetService("Players"):GetUserThumbnailAsync(getUserIdFromUsername(d.Name), Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size150x150)


    local player = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) 
    if not player then return end

    for index, touch in pairs(touching) do
        if player == touch then
		            table.remove(touching, index) -- see ** down below to see why I know this part wors
for number,d in ipairs(touching) do

		game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui:findFirstChild(number).Text = d.Name	-- not updating the list... player does not get removed
		game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui:findFirstChild(number).ImageLabel.Image = game:GetService("Players"):GetUserThumbnailAsync(getUserIdFromUsername(d.Name), Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size150x150)

while true do
	script.Parent.Text = "Players ready : ".. #touching.." / "..#game.Players:GetPlayers() --** player is removed b/c number went down

I just want to say thanks for your continuous help so far! @buildermandiamond

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I just want to say thanks for your continuous help so far!

No problem!

I’m not sure if when you copy and paste, the formatting gets all messed up or if your code is unindented like this. If the latter, please take some time to properly indent so you can have a clear picture of what’s going on.

    local player = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) 
    if not player then return end

    for index, touch in pairs(touching) do
        if player == touch then end
        table.remove(touching, index) -- see ** down below to see why I know this part wors
        for number,d in ipairs(touching) do
            game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui:findFirstChild(number).Text = d.Name	-- not updating the list... player does not get removed
            game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui:findFirstChild(number).ImageLabel.Image = game:GetService("Players"):GetUserThumbnailAsync(getUserIdFromUsername(d.Name), Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size150x150)

Two things

  1. Why do you use wait()?

  2. When you remove from the table, you are basically going through everything else that exists in the table and remaking the name and image on the board without ever removing the name and imageLabel of the ‘removed’ element. Instead of running a loop, I would set the Text to an empty string and the ImageLabel to nil (haven’t used surfacegui before so not entirely sure this will work) for the player’s index that is no longer touching.

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Sorry about my formatting, I’ll try to fix that in future post.

  1. I use wait() because I think I read somewhere it could help with performance or something?? Guess not.
  2. Because you reminded me I wasn’t removing the player, I realized that my system for adding players to the list is fundamentally flawed. Because I already have the children of the GUI (1, 2, 3 and so on) already layed out, when I remove it it will leave a blank space where that player used to be and the my UIGridTemplate won’t slide down. I’ll have to convert it to a template based system which will avoid many of the problems I’m having with this script.

:ok_hand: Thanks!

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when I remove it it will leave a blank space where that player used to be and the my UIGridTemplate won’t slide down.

Yes that’s one issue I saw that could arise in the future. I would recommend just maintaining the order of the players in the list as they come (instead of sorting each time someone touches or leaves the plate). I feel like if you position the UIGridTemplates in the script beforehand (based on the max number of players that can join) then you could optimize by just setting or resetting some of the templates rather than each and everyone everytime someone begins or ends a touch.

For example,

  1. If a new player touches, add them to the table and add their name and image to the next available UIGridTemplate
  2. If a player leaves, remove them from the list and then shift all the players to the right of them in the list to the left on the templates.
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