local tp = camera.CFrame.Position
local aa,bb,cc = PtoT(tp.X,tp.Y,tp.Z)
local bl,ch = getBlock(aa,bb,cc)
local exist = getBlockID(bl)
L_CC.Brightness = 0
L_CC.Contrast = -.1
L_CC.Saturation = -.2
L_CC.TintColor = Color3.new(1,1,1)
local isBreathable = (bb >= (128)) or (bb < 0) or (not exist) or (exist == 0) or not isSolid(exist) or (idinfo[exist] and idinfo[exist].transparent)
You can’t compare vector3’s bb is most likely a vector3 you can use .Magnitude to get the length of the vector, the code you provided doesn’t really help much and is also pretty hard to read