I’ve got some problem here, whenever I run script It prints “Attempt to concatenate nil with string” What should I do?
Why do you check if “upgrade buttons” exist after detecting “upgrade buttons”?
just as @Oskar_248 mentioned, why are you checking if upgradeButtons exists after detecting it?
Just making sure It wont cause errors
either way as error code says i’m assuming Price isn’t a defined attribute
make sure it is
You can’t loop through nil in a table, so you don’t need the if statement. Also this error like the person above me said means that there is no attribute called Price for upgradeButtons
This only makes sense if you will be removing “Upgrade Buttons” when executing this code
Just fixed it
I had to put if it was “TextButton”
Make sure upgradeBackground
only have buttons because you might insert something not a button.
and verify if value is a GuiButton
and it has Price by
if upgradeButtons and upgradeButtons:IsA("GuiButton") and upgradeButtons:GetAttribute("Price") then
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