Attempt to concatenate string with nil

Im trying to send over a Enemy (a basic humanoid model) through a remote event.

And it keeps giving me this error.

The Enemy is both on Server and Client side. Server can read it and print its name, but local one is just nil? I dont understand!

‘hit’ is the part (a arm or anything)

Please help me if you know what im doing wrong!

you might be able to fix it like this:

print("Server: ", hit.Parent.Name)
print("Local: ", Enemy)

Instead of Concatenating with .. , Just use a Comma

This usually worked for me when i tried to print a table.

Now it says attempted to index nil with name

It’s because .OnClientEvent doesn’t provide a Player as the first arguement (.OnServerEvent does though), you should have this instead:

Connection2 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Spells.OrbOfDestructionEnemy.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Enemy)

After Looking back at your script, it appears that it cant find the name of the hit, thats why you are getting that error

Oh my god I am so stupid! Thank you!
Ive been up all night working on the game im just too tired…

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