I’m trying to make a tip randomizer for my game but it keeps returning this error: “attempt to concatenate string with table”
Here’s my script:
local tip = script.Parent
local random1 = math.random(1,6)
local random2 = math.random(1,6)
local random3 = math.random(1,6)
local TipsRandomizer = {
[1] = {"Scraps can be used to upgrade tools and minecarts."},
[2] = {"Like for more updates!"},
[3] = {"Seasons last for 30 days."},
[4] = {"Don't forget to buy power ups before you ride!"},
[5] = {"Gems are rare to find on a ride."},
[6] = {"Certain materials are more durable than others."},
while task.wait(2) do
script.Parent.Text = "Tip:"..TipsRandomizer[math.random(1, #TipsRandomizer)]
This will return a table since the TipsRandomizer table is set up like that:
You’d want to make this line look like this:
script.Parent.Text = "Tip:"..TipsRandomizer[math.random(1, #TipsRandomizer)][1] -- [1] tells Luau to get the first item in the returned table (the string)
Or change the table to only contain strings:
local tip = script.Parent
local random1 = math.random(1,6)
local random2 = math.random(1,6)
local random3 = math.random(1,6)
local TipsRandomizer = {
[1] = "Scraps can be used to upgrade tools and minecarts.",
[2] = "Like for more updates!",
[3] = "Seasons last for 30 days.",
[4] = "Don't forget to buy power ups before you ride!",
[5] = "Gems are rare to find on a ride.",
[6] = "Certain materials are more durable than others.",
while task.wait(2) do
script.Parent.Text = "Tip:"..TipsRandomizer[math.random(1, #TipsRandomizer)]