So I’ve never seen this error before and I can’t find it using a Google search, so I’m coming here. I have some buttons on a GUI and they are supposed to do things when they are clicked. The code below is where this is coming from.
local queue = script.Parent.Container:WaitForChild('Queue')
for i,v in pairs(selection) do
function call(id)
qs:remove(game.Players.LocalPlayer, v.SongId, call)
table.remove(selection, i)
When I load into the game, I get this error:
13:14:37.547 - Players.Golembyte.PlayerGui.MusicQueue.Runner:56: attempt to index function with 'MouseButton1Click'
Again, I have never seen this error and I don’t know why it’s doing this. It’s supposed to let me click it and the code runs.