im trying to get the type of the item in my dictionary i made but it keeps returning nil even tho it it is there. the error is attempt to index nil with ‘Type’
local script
local function LoadInventory()
local buttonsCreated = 0
for id, amount in pairs(invData) do
local itemInfo = localModule.GetItemInfo(id)
if itemInfo.Type.Stackable then
CreateInventoryButton(itemInfo.Image, amount)
buttonsCreated += 1
buttonsCreated += amount
for i=1, amount do
CreateInventoryButton(itemInfo.Image, "")
for i=buttonsCreated+1, 20 do
CreateInventoryButton("", "")
module script
local itemTypes = {
Potion = {
Stackable = true,
MaxStack = 10
Equipment = {
Stackable = false
local itemsInfo = {
["1"] = {
Name = "Potion",
Image = "rbxassetid://7862622341",
Type = itemTypes.Potion,
Description = "amogus potion"
["2"] = {
Name = "Sword",
Image = "rbxassetid://7863601994",
Type = itemTypes.Equipment,
Description = "amogus sword"
function module.GetItemInfo(id)
return itemsInfo[id]
Then, the only other problem I could think of is the fact that it gets the information off of the id, meaning the id isn’t the same as you are passing. What exactly are you passing? If it is a number for the id, you would need to use tostring() to turn it into a string for it to return.