Attempt to index nil with "FindFirstChild"

  1. What do you want to achieve? I tried to make a system where all enemies haves their stats by individual module that its named the enemy’s name, idk if you get it but here’s what i meant
    Captura de pantalla 2024-08-29 104335

  2. What is the issue? I get the error ServerScriptService.Main.Enemy:156: attempt to index nil with 'FindFirstChild' and comes from this line: local enemyStats = require(enemyModuleAccess:FindFirstChild(name)), and this is how i use it: enemy.Spawn("Moonling", 6 * enemyCountMultiplier, 1.5, map)

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I dont know how to fix this and theres no similar issue no mine i guess except this error

local currentGameMode = workspace.Info.CurrentGamemode
local enemyModuleFolder = ServerScriptService.EnemyModule
local enemyModuleAccess

if currentGameMode and currentGameMode.Value == "Easy" then
	enemyModuleAccess = enemyModuleFolder.EasyMode
elseif currentGameMode and currentGameMode.Value == "Normal" then
	enemyModuleAccess = enemyModuleFolder.NormalMode
elseif currentGameMode and currentGameMode.Value == "Hard" then
	enemyModuleAccess = enemyModuleFolder.HardMode

function enemy.Spawn(name, quantity, interval, map)
	for i = 1, quantity do
		local enemyStats = require(enemyModuleAccess:FindFirstChild(name))
		local enemyExists
		if currentGameMode and currentGameMode.Value == "Easy" then
			enemyExists = ServerStorage.Enemies.EasyMode:FindFirstChild(name)
		elseif currentGameMode and currentGameMode.Value == "Normal" then
			enemyExists = ServerStorage.Enemies.NormalMode:FindFirstChild(name)
		elseif currentGameMode and currentGameMode.Value == "Hard" then
			enemyExists = ServerStorage.Enemies.HardMode:FindFirstChild(name)

		if enemyExists then
			local newEnemy = enemyExists:Clone()
			newEnemy.PrimaryPart.CFrame = map.Start.CFrame
			newEnemy.Parent = workspace.Enemies


			local movingTo ="IntValue")
			movingTo.Name = "MovingTo"
			movingTo.Value = 1
			movingTo.Parent = newEnemy.Config

			for i, object in ipairs(newEnemy:GetDescendants()) do
				if object:IsA("BasePart") or object:IsA("MeshPart") then
					object.CollisionGroup = "Enemy"

			local health = enemyStats["Health"]
			newEnemy:SetAttribute("Health", health)

				if newEnemy:GetAttribute("Health") <= 0 then

			coroutine.wrap(enemy.Move)(newEnemy, map)

None of these branches are equating to true which means enemyModuleAccess is never actually assigned to. You need to make sure your instance value has a value before assigning to enemyModuleAccess.

You need to wait for enemyModuleAccess to be registered in the hierarchy using :WaitForChild

local enemyModuleAccess = 

Or wherever its located. Also as @12345koip said, it may be a conditional issue where none of the branches are equating to true

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This one is not an issue with the script not loading. It’s an uninitialized constant and then is assigned to within a selection statement, but none of the branches equate to true, hence it stays nil. WaitForChild is not needed in this script because it’s a server script and the instances have all loaded by the time the script runs. WaitForChild tends to only be needed on the client, unless an instance is created during runtime a script must wait for.

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For Debugging you should add a else statment, incase currentGameMode isn’t asigned.

    warn("The enemy module hasn't been set.")
    enemyModuleAccess = enemyModuleFolder.EasyMode
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