Yeah lol, i should listen to the professionals
Ok, back to index nil with price, not table
Server script:
local mod = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").MerchantHandler)
local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("Merchant").PotionPurchase
Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, purchaseThis)
local Items = mod.GetItems(Player)
local statsValue = Player:WaitForChild("Boosts"):FindFirstChild(purchaseThis)
local info = Items[purchaseThis]
if not statsValue or not info then warn("No Boost or info") end
local price = info[purchaseThis].Price
local currency = Player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):FindFirstChild(info[purchaseThis].Currency.Value)
if currency >= price then
currency -= price
statsValue.Value += info[purchaseThis].Time
module replicated
Module Replicated
``` lua
local MerchantHandler = {}
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local LeaderstatsFolder = Player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
local BoostsFolder = Player:WaitForChild("Boosts")
MerchantHandler.PotionPurchaseCooldown = 3600 -- (3600 = 1 Hour), (86400 = 1 Day)
MerchantHandler.Items = {
["Potion1"] = {Potion = BoostsFolder["Gem Potion"].Value, Time = 30, Image = "rbxassetid://15434984615", Title = "Gem Potion", MaxPurchase = 1, Purchased = 0, Price = 12, Currency = LeaderstatsFolder:WaitForChild("Taps")},
["Potion2"] = {Potion = BoostsFolder["Super Lucky"].Value, Time = 60, Image = "rbxassetid://15434984615", Title = "Super Luck Potion", MaxPurchase = 2, Purchased = 0, Price = 24, Currency = LeaderstatsFolder:WaitForChild("Taps")},
["Potion3"] = {Potion = BoostsFolder["Extra Lucky"].Value, Time = 90, Image = "rbxassetid://15434984615", Title = "Luck Potion", MaxPurchase = 3, Purchased = 0, Price = 36, Currency = LeaderstatsFolder:WaitForChild("Taps")},
function MerchantHandler.CreatePotionPurchaseFrame(name)
local Template = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Potion1"):Clone()
local gui = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Main"):WaitForChild("PotionMerchant")
Template.Name = MerchantHandler.Items[name].Title
Template.Icon.Image = MerchantHandler.Items[name].Image
Template.PotionName.Text = MerchantHandler.Items[name].Title
Template.Purchased.Text = MerchantHandler.Items[name].Purchased.."/"..MerchantHandler.Items[name].MaxPurchase
Template.PriceLabel.Text = MerchantHandler.Items[name].Price.." "..MerchantHandler.Items[name].Currency.Name
Template.Parent = gui:WaitForChild("Main"):WaitForChild("Container")
return MerchantHandler
Module ServerStorage
local MerchantHandler = {}
function MerchantHandler.GetItems(player)
local LeaderstatsFolder = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
local BoostsFolder = player:WaitForChild("Boosts")
local Items = {
["Potion1"] = {Potion = BoostsFolder["Gem Potion"].Value, Time = 30, Image = "rbxassetid://15434984615", Title = "Gem Potion", MaxPurchase = 1, Purchased = 0, Price = 12, Currency = LeaderstatsFolder:WaitForChild("Taps")},
["Potion2"] = {Potion = BoostsFolder["Super Lucky"].Value, Time = 60, Image = "rbxassetid://15434984615", Title = "Super Luck Potion", MaxPurchase = 2, Purchased = 0, Price = 24, Currency = LeaderstatsFolder:WaitForChild("Taps")},
["Potion3"] = {Potion = BoostsFolder["Extra Lucky"].Value, Time = 90, Image = "rbxassetid://15434984615", Title = "Luck Potion", MaxPurchase = 3, Purchased = 0, Price = 36, Currency = LeaderstatsFolder:WaitForChild("Taps")},
return Items
return MerchantHandler
What i’m getting from this error is Info/PurchaseThis is equal to nothing
Changed your server script to this:
local mod = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").MerchantHandler)
local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("Merchant").PotionPurchase
Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, purchaseThis)
local Items = mod.GetItems(Player)
local info = Items[purchaseThis]
local statsValue = info and Player:WaitForChild("Boosts"):FindFirstChild(info.Title)
if not statsValue then warn("No Boost or info") return end
local price = info.Price
local currency = info.Currency
if currency.Value >= price then
currency.Value -= price
statsValue.Value += info.Time
ServerScriptService.Extra.PotionMerchant:13: attempt to compare number <= nil
I gtg now but it would be good if u could continue to resolve it for me for in the morning. Thanks!
Fixed it, you were trying to use :FindFirstChild
with an instance again.
Try printing purchaseThis and info.
You didn’t open the table before you screenshotted.
Alr lol, ill fix it now
Is there a value in your Boosts named Potion1?
Potion 1 is a intvalue. But the name of the potion is rainbow hatch
Try my edited code.
You were searching for Potion 1 instead of Gem Potion.
Omg it flipping works. Thank you so much!
Can you help me remove the serverstorage thing tho, it just complicates things
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