Hi there! I was just wondering why this code wont work.
Here is the module script:
local Settings = {}
Settings.Permissions = {
Creators = {},
Administrators = {},
Moderators = {},
Settings.Auto_Punished = {
Auto_Banned = {},
Auto_Muted = {},
Settings.Logging = {
Log_Actions = true,
Discord_Webhook = {""},
Log_Kicks = true,
Log_Bans = true,
Include_Game_Link = true,
Show_Player_Image = true,
Settings.Miscellaneous = {
Show_Watermark = true,
return Settings```
And here is the code:
xenith = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Xenith Admin v0.0.0")
config = require(xenith.Configuration)
if config.Settings.Miscellaneous.Show_Watermark == false then
xenith.Xenith_Admin_UI.Parent = game.StarterGui
print("|| Xenith Admin ||: Successfully Loaded!")
The error is:
**Workspace.Xenith Admin v0.0.0.Manager:5: attempt to index nil with 'Miscellaneous'**
Any ideas on how to solve?