Attempt to index nil with 'Parent' with Time Stop [Fixed]+

Allright I have just seen few threads and I forgot that the archivable isn’t on true for other players :confused:

long time no see folks. Anyway I have been making a time stop, where other players don’t see you move in the time stop.
So far what I discovered is that if remove ~ and put as if it’s the players character, it normally works. Clones it and you are invisible. After I put it back to normal and played on multi testing, this error pop out

Workspace.Player2.Main:274: attempt to index nil with 'Parent'

This is the script that its clonning the character

TimeStopWho is object value which is the time stopper’s character
TimeStopWhoName is the Time Stopper’s name
Every enemy and player is located in the “Live” Folder

if game.ReplicatedStorage.Values.TimeStopWho.Value ~= char then
			if not game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Effects"):FindFirstChild("TimeStopperClone") then
				if game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Live"):FindFirstChild(game.ReplicatedStorage.Values.TimeStopWhoName.Value) then
					local timestopper = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Live"):FindFirstChild(game.ReplicatedStorage.Values.TimeStopWhoName.Value):Clone()
					timestopper.Parent = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Effects")
					timestopper.Name = "TimeStopperClone"
					for i, v in pairs(timestopper:GetDescendants()) do
						if v:IsA("BasePart") then
							v.Anchored = true
							if v.Name == "Head" and v:FindFirstChild("TimeStop") then

I literally tried everything but it kept getting almost same error. But it was basicly same. nil
Yes it is looped
The “TimeStopWho” value will give same error.

if it’s trying to Index to nil then that parent either doesn’t exist or you haven’t properly Indexed the parent. I’m not 100% sure on how the parent behaves althought based off what you have said It’s most likely the parent doesn’t exist on workspace regardless.Try viewing the activity from studio explorer and seeing if it actually exists, if it does then it’s just not a proper index to the parent.

Let me know if that isn’t fixing the issue and give me more info and I’ll try to help!

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