Attempt to index nil with "Parent"

Why character Archiveable value didn’t true ?

local clonechar = me:Clone()
clonechar.Parent = game.ServerStorage.Backup
if game.ServerStorage.Backup:FindFirstChild(plr.Name) then


I think it is archaic. People used to edit their games as a character rather than in Studio, and if you saved your game wile Archiveable is true, your character would be saved, and that’s bad. So characters default to non-archiveable so characters don’t accidentally get saved.

So is it ok to change it to true before it got deleted?

Try it like this:

		local clonechar = me:Clone()
		if game.ServerStorage.Backup:FindFirstChild(plr.Name) then
		clonechar.Parent = game.ServerStorage.Backup

I already try it it print error like nothing is cloned and it nil

		local clonechar = me:Clone()
		clonechar.Parent = game.ServerStorage.Backup
		if game.ServerStorage.Backup:FindFirstChild(plr.Name) then

Worked for me

Your issue is your using serverstorage. I’d recommend using replicatedstorage.

ServerStorage is better even Roblox says it in wiki!

And that depends how your using it.

He wants to replicate something.

i got this error

07:42:25.739 - Archiveable is not a valid member of Model

Only server sided scripts can access the ServerStorage. ReplicatedStorage is for both Server and Local Scripts to access.

I store in ServerStorage because i don’t want it to access by client
I store character because i will make a combat log system that why

Check your spelling. I believe that might be spelled wrong, but I don’t know.

Maybe like this i just check it again on " Archivable"?

Thats fine if your making a combat logging system, that won’t matter where its being stored. Clients can’t access serverstorage, true, but filteringenabled will stop a lot of exploiters from accessing replicatedstorage regardless.

Its the better option since your literally trying to Replicate something.

The problem doesn’t seem to be with where you have it then, it’s with the code itself.

Is the object that’s giving you the error unanchored? And does it have Archivable = false?

You spelled it like “Archiveable” as the error said.

Ok, I’ll try to test it and I’ll report the result.

OMG, it work right now!

If you want to know why i want to store player character before it got removed. check this topic.