'attempt to index nil with 'StarterCharacter' Bug

Hello developers!
I would like help with a script i am currenctly making, please help!

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I would like to achieve that when the player spawns/reset, a script will replace their model with a skin.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

The issue is, everything works fine it knows what skin to choose but it gives me a error

Workspace.masterminyxs.Script:8: attempt to index nil with 'StarterCharacter'


  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

Nope, i’ve tried to rescript it in a way but it couldn’t do anything, and as for devforum i couldn’t find anything.

This is the script from the code, if anybody finds something odd or knows the reason, please tell!

local db = true
if db == true then
	db = false
	local hit = script.Parent
	local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit)
	local skin = plr:FindFirstChild("SelectedSkin"):FindFirstChild("YourSkin")
	local orign = game.ServerStorage.Skins:FindFirstChild(skin.Value)
	local model = orign.StarterCharacter
	local oldModel = plr.Character
	local newModel = model:Clone()

	local oldCFrame = oldModel:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()

	plr.Character = newModel
	newModel.Parent = workspace -- [1] this follows current character loading behavior
	newModel.Animate.Disabled = true
	newModel.Animate.Disabled = false

This script is a normal script located in StarterCharacterScripts


From the error message I know that orign = nil. The only way for this to be true means that FindFirstChild(skin.Value) is returning nil, so skin.Value is not the name of anything in the Skins folder, you could set up a print statement to find out what it actually is, and then if that isn’t able to help you solve the problem, you could give more information.

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Hello, here is my solution. If it doesn’t work, or you have any questions please let me know.

local isLocalDB = true

if isLocalDB then
	isLocalDB = false

	local hit = script.Parent
	local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit)
	local selectedSkin = player.Character:FindFirstChild("SelectedSkin")
	local yourSkin = selectedSkin and selectedSkin:FindFirstChild("YourSkin")

	if yourSkin then
		local original = game.ServerStorage.Skins:FindFirstChild(yourSkin.Value)

		if original then
			local newModel = original.StarterCharacter:Clone()
			local oldModel = player.Character
			local oldCFrame = oldModel:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()

			player.Character = newModel
			newModel.Parent = workspace
			newModel.Animate.Disabled = true
			newModel.Animate.Disabled = false

Thanks, just added a wait & removed character on

local selectedSkin = player.Character:FindFirstChild("SelectedSkin")
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