Hello, for context, each time a dialogue starts your character should be frozen in place. After the dialogue ends, you’ll be able to move again. I have tried to fix this several times, and it’s either the dialogue interface pops up, your character doesn’t freeze and the dialogue is simply “Label”. Or nothing happens, not even the dialogue interface shows up.
Here is my script, I am relatively new to scripting and there is only one set of dialogue for now. My game is still in development, there is a script inside of an invisible part in workspace which fires a remote event:
-- // Variables // --
local replicatedStorage = game.ReplicatedStorage
local events = replicatedStorage.Events
local dialogueBox = script.Parent
local dialogue = dialogueBox.Dialogue
local speaker = dialogueBox.Speaker
local sounds = workspace.Sounds
local dialogueSound = sounds.Dialogue
local currentDialogue = nil
local currentSpeaker = nil
local shortDelay = 3
local mediumDelay = 5
local longDelay = 7
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local localPlayer = players.LocalPlayer
local character = localPlayer.Character
local humanoid = localPlayer:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
-- // Functions // --
function typewrite()
for i = 1, #currentDialogue do
dialogue.Text = string.sub(currentDialogue, 1, i)
function handleDialogueStart()
dialogueBox.Visible = true
speaker.Text = currentSpeaker
humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
function handleDialogueEnd()
dialogueBox.Visible = false
currentDialogue = nil
currentSpeaker = nil
humanoid.WalkSpeed = 10
-- // Dialogues // --
currentSpeaker = "You"
currentDialogue = "Well, the dumpsters are blocking my way. How am I going to get around this? I can't swim."
currentDialogue = "This is what happens when you work in the sewers, occasional floods... goddammit."
I’ve tried that, it doesn’t work as well. The dialogue interface doesn’t show up and your character doesn’t even freeze. No errors in the output as well.
The Humanoid is located inside player characters, therefore you must replace localPlayer:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") with character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").
It still hasn’t worked, I noticed I had the character variable set up already so thanks for reminding me. But it still didn’t work, also, why do I need WaitForChild?