Attempt to index string with Value


Picture 1:

Picture 2:

You can see in Picture 1 the “local” is not connected with the .Value, the Variable is connected with .Value as how u can see in Picture 2.

Why does it give me that error?

30 min ago it also said yield with WaitForChild but then i restarted my Studio and the yield was gone. But why is this now not working?

Depends on which value you’re using. you cant use strings with Number related values

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Im using the String Value and just setting the value to ""

maybe add one little space in there? " " instead of “”

Dont works i never needed to make a Space there

Have you set the local variable returnOrLeaveFrameStringValue, to the StringValue’s value initially?


Try making the value nil or double check the value ?

Thanks to u also i accidently set the variable

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